Monday, January 24, 2011

"Edmonton" -- The Rural Alberta Advantage

Posting this was probably going to be inevitable (I love these guys so much), so I figured I might as well do it sooner rather than later. Thus: a song about Edmonton that -- if you hate this place as much as I do -- might warm the cockles of your heart for it at least a little bit.

From a session at Blackbyrd in 2009:

(In all honesty, I like this one better, but how could I not post the Blackbyrd version on an Edmonton blog? Exactly. I couldn't.)

Anyways, references to/whole songs about Alberta (and how people who live here/aren't here feel about it) were a pretty big aspect of their first record, Hometowns, and they do it in a way that actually makes this province sound kind of interesting. In my last post I mentioned how I sometimes get nostalgic for Edmonton even though I haven't left yet (and I know that still doesn't make much sense.) These guys usually manage to do it. And I'm just throwing it out there since they're coming back soon, but that drummer is insane and their live show is great. So. I hope somebody likes this and this post wasn't in vain.

(...they are, of course, based in Toronto.)

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